江戸千家 >  不白会だより > 孤峰不白作 鶴亀図平茶碗—流祖の茶碗で稽古をして—


孤峰不白作 鶴亀図平茶碗—流祖の茶碗で稽古をして—


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   This past September, I had a lesson in Hirajawan (with a twisted tea cloth) from Madam Arai at her tea house, Kakurinan. Madam Arai said “Let’s study with Koho Fuhaku’s Hirajawan.” I was graciously granted this special opportunity to make a cup of tea with the Grand Master’s handmade tea bowl.
This tea bowl was made by Fuhaku when he celebrated his 77th birthday. I’ve heard that he made it to give to his special friend. If you calculate the year from when he was 77 years old, it would be 218 years ago, in the year 8 of Kansei, in the late Edo era.
When you carefully lift the bowl, there is no heavy weight sensation, but there is a feeling of dignified elegance. The color is a reddish brown, which expresses a sense of calmness and a profoundly distinct and special style. My imagination creates a vision of looking into an abyss of a great and deep valley.
The measurement of the bowl is 4.7cm high and 15.4cm in diameter. As you can imagine from these numbers, this bowl is very flat and wide, almost like a deep dish. The crane and the turtle design on the outside of the bowl are one stroke drawings. It is as simple as possible; however, you can almost see the movement of the turtle that is swimming around the bowl. The crane is standing so tranquilly and peacefully.
Kohdai (a bottom sitting part of bowl) is flat and powerful with an uneven design that makes the bowl not sit parallel with the tatami. This unevenness looks very natural in its design. I wonder if the Grand Master made it this way intentionally, or did it just happen during the course of its creation? The characteristics of the bowl seem to paint a picture of his personality and soul.
I was nervous about handling a bowl with such great history, and also worried about how I could make tea in this super flat bowl. However, I realized it was not that difficult as I imagined, rather it was the perfect bowl to easily make a cup of tea. I was very impressed and surprised by how it was made. The bowl looked like it came to life again with the tea in it. The contrast of the color of green and reddish brown is absolutely exquisite. What I saw as an abyss now turned into a vast beautiful ocean. I made a cup of tea for myself with the bowl. When I lifted the warm bowl, I felt like I touched the profound and bold spirit of the bowl. The moment my lips touched the bowl, I traveled back in time to the year 8 of Kansei. I was so touched with the fact that I had tea from the Grand Master’s handmade cup. I was speechless.
What is great about art of tea is that you can actually handle noble and sublime art pieces. I thought of all of the art pieces of tea utensils that are behind glass cases in museums and how they bring back their own lives once they are used. I am very grateful to have experienced this precious opportunity through my lesson. I truly appreciate Madam Arai, who gave me this rare and invaluable opportunity.

カテゴリー:行事・茶会 「孤峰不白作 鶴亀図平茶碗—流祖の茶碗で稽古をして—」のリンク